Birthday Wish


Tomorrow is my 28th birthday  (yikes!) When they say time flies as you get older, they aren’t kiddin’. Every year before my birthday I always have a soul searching moment. I think of goals I want to reach and things I want to change in my life. This year,  I’ve realized that I have something I really want to work on. It’s learning how to love and forgive myself. It’s easier said than done, right? I have always had this terrible mix of being really hard on myself and not forgiving myself of mistakes I’ve made along the road in life.  As I have grown and gone through experiences, I’ve learned who I am and who I want to continue to be.  If I have a moment of being the person I’m not, I feel like a complete failure and that I’m taking ten steps backwards. It’s like when you lose 30 pounds and gain 10. You feel frustrated, disappointed and defeated. But is it really the end of the world?

I set these high standards for myself {as I’m sure you do too!}  and if I don’t come close to it or stumble along the way of reaching them, I freak out. I start to question who I am as a person and what others think about me. That honestly is the most annoying part. Why on God’s beautiful green Earth am I going to worry about what someone else thinks of me when I have my own thoughts to worry about?? Makes no sense right?! RIGHT.  I then remind myself of that quote, “What others say about you is a reflection of them not you.” This is so completely true. I am aware of the choices I make and the person I truly am. I work at bettering myself every damn day. I refuse to keep letting the thoughts of others control how I feel and move forward with my life. This in turn leads to loving myself.

I feel like nowadays there is so much talk about self-love and I ain’t complaining! This needs to be talked about all the time. We put ourselves to the side so much that we don’t even realize we are doing it. I have most definitely fallen victim to that. Helping others in our lives is a top priority we should all have, but we can’t help others if we do not help ourselves first. Self care is NOT selfish.

Throughout my life I haven’t been the kindest person to myself. Speaking in all aspects ranging from weight loss, academic success and personal success. I put the weight of the world on my shoulders and wonder why my back hurts. I do not need to create this burden for myself. I work at being the healthiest and best version of myself so I’m going to give credit where credit is due.  We learn and become better by making mistakes. Sometimes the same mistake…again and again…and maybe just one more time. That is OH-KAY. As long you do not give up on yourself, you will learn. You will recognize how much good you deserve in this life. Whatever you are going through in this moment, whether you are trying to find a new job, lose weight, raising your family, WHATEVER. I’m here to remind you that you’re doing a damn good job. Be proud of yourself.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week filled with a lot of love.

Sip of the week

Tips to loving yourself more:

{I’m no expert, these are just my personal thoughts that I want to share. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me!}


  • Stop comparing yourself to others: You’ll drown in the process-I promise you.
  • Let go: You can’t control everything. You do your best everyday to be great. Let the Universe help you out every now and then by trusting the process.
  • Affirmations: I know I know. You hear this all the time and it’s a little awkward. I’m telling you though…this helps  A LOT. Every morning get up and look at yourself in the mirror. Say 3 great things about yourself! Even if you don’t believe it, just say it. You will be amazed at how your body and mind react to the positive energy you are putting out. On the days that I don’t do this, mannnn do I feel the difference in my mood!


1 Comment

  1. November 23, 2018 / 9:33 am

    I can totally relate to this. Happy birthday, girl